Vaibhav Vasudevan

about me

i grew up in omaha, nebraska until 6th grade. i moved to nova, went to tj, and currently study physics at umd. i enjoy playing the carnatic violin, consuming all sorts of content, and hanging out with my friends.

stuff i've done

  • did consulting for b2c startups — a learning experience but not ideal if you want to feel fulfilled
  • worked with close friends to build a vc-backed photonic semiconductor chip startup procyon photonics
  • harvard sociology project under dr. usmani on historical incarceration; visited a jail
  • interned at wustl olin
  • curating top tier talent in the dmv

stuff i want to do

  • grow my own potatoes + goats on mountaintops
  • drive across a random desert like muad dib (instead of sandworms)
  • skydive at night
  • invest in people and host events